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LINXS Partner event - GeoArchaeology try-out workshop at the Elettra Sincrotrone in Trieste, Italy

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Using synchrotron light and neutrons in Archaeology, Geology and Cultural Heritage Studies: Synchotron light, microCT and imaging analyses.

The Lund Institute for advanced Neutron and X-Ray Science (LINXS) is planning a series of “tryout workshops” in the fields of synchrotron and neutron techniques, together with Elettra Sincrotrone and TUM, Münich. The main idea is to give the opportunity to scientists in geology, archaeology and cultural heritage studies to bring their own samples (optional) and questions and test different methods, types of radiation and instruments, before a full beam time proposal is written. Also, this would give scholars from different fields a possibility to meet, discuss and learn more about techniques soon available in Lund.

The first one is organized in collaboration with Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste and in particular with the SYRMEP beamline and the TomoLab laboratory at Elettra.
The second one will be held later in the spring and will focus on neutron techniques at the ANTARES instrument at TUM, Münich.

This is a first call of interest. Well in advance participants will be addressed about the nature of their sample (if applicable) and will be asked to fill in safety regulations form etc.

When: 13-14 of February
Where: Elettra Sincrotrone, Trieste
What: This is a two day workshop with lectures and hands on workshop, meeting with experienced scientists in the field. Maximum persons: 15

Day 1.
9.00 - 15:00: Invited talks at Elettra.
15:30 - 20:30 pm: Visit of the beamline followed by hands-on tutorials at SYRMEP and TomoLab with 2 different groups of 8 persons each.
Evening: Dinner in Basovizza. After dinner (22:30) the organizers and some of the participants will go back to Elettra to monitor ongoing X-ray microCT measurements and/or start new ones.

Day 2.
Continuation of measurements and data management and discussion of 3D-image analysis 

If you have practical questions please email Åsa Grunning at LINXS ( Do not hesitate to contact Björn Nilsson at LINXS  ( or Lucia Mancini at Elettra and LINXS ( for more information or if you have questions regarding samples or practical scientific questions.